TR Tournament Rules

  1. The Rock Baseball management will make every effort to provide the utmost fairness to each and every team. If any question or situation were to arise, we ask you to please bring it to the attention of the tournament director. All decisions made by the tournament director are final.
  2. Rock League Baseball professional umpires will be assigned to every game. All on field calls made by the umpire are final.
  3. All teams must check in upon arrival at the hospitality tent near the concessions area and submit an official team roster before their first game played. Once roster is completed and turned in, said roster is then frozen for the entire tournament, no late additions to rosters will be accepted.
  4. Teams shall arrive on site 45 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, as games may start prior to published times. Teams may start and finish games with eight (8) uniformed and roster players. If a team has to play with eight (8) players, the ninth spot in the batting order is an automatic out. If a ninth uniformed and roster player arrives, that player may be inserted into the ninth spot in the batting order and the automatic out shall stop. If a team has seven (7) or less uniformed and roster players to start a game, or at any point during the game, the game shall be declared a forfeit. The forfeit score shall be 7-0 for tiebreaker purposes. Any team, which does not take the field within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time, shall forfeit the game upon the opposing team taking the field and throwing the first pitch.
  5. The home team for pool/playoff games shall be determined by a coin flip, and will keep the official scorebook. The team that has traveled the greatest distance will call the flip. Either an umpire or a member of tournament management must be present for the coin flip.
  6. Teams should fill first and third base dugouts on a first come, first served basis, irrespective of home and away designation. If a team has back to back games on the same field, they should always remain in the same dugout, to avoid the extra time involved in moving team equipment.
  7. Both teams shall report the final score to the hospitality tent staff immediately following each game. Since tiebreakers often come into play, accurate score reporting is critical. The event staff will provide scorecards to be turned in after each game. Teams who fail to turn in scorecard may be subject to a forfeit.
  8. In the event of teams tied with the same record, the following scenarios will be used in the following order:
    1. Overall win – loss record
    2. Head to head result
    3. Least number of runs allowed throughout tournament
    4. Total runs scored
    5. Coin flip
  9. The tournament director may modify the number of games, length of games, or overall structure of tournament if necessary due to weather, field conditions, scheduling, or team issues. This includes the modification of game time limit if games become too backed up. Any and all game changes will attempt to be made prior to game start.
  10. One volunteer from each game is asked to volunteer to operate the scoreboard during their game. Scoreboard operation unit and instructions are available from the hospitality tent staff. At the conclusion of each game, scoreboard units and instructions should be turned in to the hospitality tent staff for next game’s use.
  11. The Rock Sports Complex rules are posted outside the park. There are no carry-ins except for water and energy drinks for players, no alcohol and/or tobacco shall be brought in to the confines, and no dogs or pets are allowed on the premises. The head coach is ultimately responsible and accountable for the conduct of said team’s players and parents.
  12. Tourney Machine software will be used and available to coaches and parents. Brackets and game times will be available at the concession stand and hospitality tent. Machine Tourney apps will be available to everyone to help monitor their team/bracket and game status. More information will be available at tournament check-in.

Rosters & Birth Dates

  1. Each individual player is only allowed to be on one roster for any given tournament, regardless of age division, except as mentioned below in Section 14.
  2. It is common in the 14U age division for teams to have a hybrid of high school and non-high school players. Since high school players are often not eligible for travel baseball until late May, 13U players may be listed on both a 13U and a 14U roster in any given tournament. This only applies to the 14U age division and only applies prior to June 1st of any given year. In the event that a 13U player is going to “play up” with a 14U team, the start of a game is not to be held up to wait for players coming from other games.
  3. Player/Team uniforms are encouraged but no penalties will be enforced if a player is not in matching uniform or wearing their given roster number.
  4. Team rosters contain personal information such as player’s date of birth, email addresses and coach’s personal information. In the interest of protecting player and coach privacy, rosters can only be viewed by Rock League baseball staff. The Head Coach may ask the Tournament Director about players listed and if they meet the age qualifications. To protest a player’s age see Age Challenge policy below.
  5. Any Head Coach that would like to formally challenge the age of a player shall make this known to the Tournament Director at least one (1) hour prior to the player’s next game. A $100 cash challenge fee should be posted at the time of the challenge. The purpose of the fee is to minimize unsubstantial challenges. Provided this process is followed, the tournament director or his/her designee will request and inspect the birth certificate of the player in question. If the birth certificate is acceptable, the $100 cash challenge fee shall be forfeited. If the birth certificate cannot be produced before game time, the player in question is ineligible to play for that game. If the birth certificate shows the player is over age, the team must forfeit all games the player in question participated in. The forfeit score shall be 7-0 for tiebreaker purposes. If the age challenge is valid and upheld, the $100 cash challenge fee shall be promptly returned.
  6. The birthday age cutoff is April 30th, each Head Coach is expected to have copies of every player’s birth certificate on hand at every game in the event a tournament director requests player verification.

Playing Rules

The official playing rules for Rock League Baseball Tournaments will be played under NFHS (high school) rules with the following exceptions:

  1. Length of the game & time limits
    1. Ages 8U – 12U will play six (6) innings, ages 13U and up will play seven (7) innings.
    2. Game time limit will begin at the time of the first pitch.
    3. All games will have a one (1) hour and forty five (45) minute time limit finishing out the inning being played, with expiration of game time being called upon at the moment the final out of the half inning is recorded.
    4. An inning may be finished, but a new inning cannot be started after the limit expires. If the home team is ahead when the time limit is reached, the game is over (1) immediately after the top half of the inning is finished or (2) at the moment the time limit is reached and the home team is ahead in the bottom half of the inning.
    5. There will be no time limit on the championship game
    6. No game will end in a tie, if time limit is reached and score is tied the game will go on until one team is ahead and full inning is played out (see rule #24).
  2. Batting order and extra players
    1. Teams have the following three (3) options with regard to batting order and extra players:
      1. Straight Nine: Nine (9) players in the batting order & listed on the lineup card. No designated hitter. All other players are substitutes, subject to the NFHS substitution rules (starter can re-enter into his original spot once, etc.)
      2. Extra Hitter: Ten (10) players in the batting order and listed on the lineup card. No designated hitter. Free substitution (defensive players) among the (10) players listed on the batting order. All other players are substitutes and subject to the NFHS substitution rules (starter can re-enter into his original spot once, etc.).
      3. Continuous Batting Order: All players in uniform (unless injured) in the batting order and listed on the lineup card. If a late player arrives after the lineup cards are exchanged, then the player must be entered into the last spot in the batting order. Free defensive substitution for all players throughout the game.
    2. Head coaches are expected to declare their choice to the opposing coach and umpire(s) at the plate meeting before each game. Once the format has been declared said format is finalized for the entire game.
  3. Pitching Limitations
    1. A pitcher removed from a game may not re-enter the same game as a pitcher.
  4. Bat Restrictions – Bat barrels larger than 2 5/8” are not allowed (batter will be out)
    1. Ages 8U – 14U: Bats must be stamped 1.15 BPF and will have no weight drop restriction. Alternatively, BBCOR and/or wood bats may be used. BESR stamped bats are illegal and cannot be used.
    2. Age 15U and above: Bats must be BBCOR certified. All BBCOR aluminum bats are limited to -3 drop and must be stamped BBCOR Certified per NFHS rule. Alternatively, wood bats may be used.
    3. Illegal Bat Penalty for All Ages: It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to insure the bats used by players meet the requirements of the Rock League Baseball published bat rules. A batter is in violation of the rule when said batter steps into the batter’s box with an illegal bat. An illegal bat must be pointed out to the umpire prior to first pitch to the next batter, or before all defensive players leave fair territory. Penalty: The batter is out. All outs recorded during the time at bat count. Runner(s) will not be allowed to advance on a batted ball. If there are two (2) infractions by the same team during a game, the team’s Head Coach will be ejected.
  5. Mercy Rules
    1. Fifteen (15) runs after three (3) innings
    2. Ten (10) runs after four (4) innings
    3. Eight (8) runs after five (5) innings
    4. Mercy rules will be in effect for all games, including the championship game
  6. Official Tournament Play Baseballs
    1. Rock League Baseball will supply game balls for each game. Game balls will be provided at the start of each game but will not be replenished throughout the course of each game. Teams are expected to assist in the retrieval of foul balls and home run balls. Teams should always have tournament quality used baseballs on hand to use if the original game balls are lost or not returned to the umpires.
  7. Footwear for MLB Replicated Synthetic Turf Fields
    1. Players will not be allowed to wear metal cleats on our fields at all.
    2. Appropriate footwear includes: turf shoes, plastic cleats, molded cleats, or any form of gym shoe.
  8. Extra Innings & Tie Games
    1. If a game is tied after the time limit expires or when the regulation innings have been completed, the following Rock League Baseball tiebreaker will be used. In the first extra-inning and every ½ inning thereafter, each team will start with a man on second base and 1 out. The base runner will be the last batter out from the previous inning. The game will continue in this format until a winner is determined. If a winner is not determined after (3) extra innings, the game shall be recorded as a tie. Likewise, if weather or darkness prevents a tie game from being completed, then the game shall be recorded as a tie.
  9. Pitchers may pitch 9 consecutive outs per game. Violation of this rule will result in forfeiture of any game by the offending team. Once taken out as a pitcher, the player may not re-enter as a pitcher in that game. A maximum of 4 mound visits per game is allowed. Once 4 visits have been had, the 5th and subsequent visit will be for pitcher replacement only. This is meant to keep game moving along.
  10. A pitcher must be removed upon the 2nd visit to the mound per inning.
  11. Only five (5) warm-up pitches are allowed between innings or after a pitching change. No infield/outfield warm-ups between innings. During play, the ball must be returned to the pitcher after an out is recorded.
  12. No slide rule – There is no mandatory slide rule. However, players must slide to avoid contact. Failure to do so will result in the runner being called out. If injurious contact could have been avoided if the player would have slid, the runner shall be out. Base runners are allowed to slide into fielders in an attempt to break up a double play, as long as contact is not malicious and contact begins prior to the fielder beginning his throwing motion. If a fielder has begun his throwing motion and contact is initiated by the base runner, interference on the base runner can be called and both the base runner and batter can be called out. Same applies should malicious contact be called. If in the opinion of the umpire, if any contact is considered malicious, the player initiating contact can be ejected from the game.
  13. Runner may score on a passed ball, wild pitch, or a ball returned to the pitcher, except for 8U which cannot score on a wild pitch or passed ball.
  14. No infield, outfield, pitching, or batting practice is to be taken on the field before the game. No hitting into fences is allowed.
  15. Intentional Walk
    1. There will be no pitches thrown to intentionally walk a batter. Notify the umpire, and the batter will be awarded first base.
  16. Courtesy Runners
    1. Courtesy runners are optional at any time for the pitcher and catcher. The courtesy runner shall be a player not currently in the lineup OR the last batter out. The pitcher or catcher for this rule is the pitcher or catcher of the previous inning. If this situation arises in the first inning and no outs have been recorded, the pitcher or catcher shall remain on the bases until an out is recorded.
  17. Ejections
    1. If a coach is ejected from a game, he will be suspended for the remainder of the game and for the next game the team plays. If a player is ejected during a game, he will be suspended for the remainder of the game. If a team is batting their lineup and/or no substitutes are available, the name of the ejected player leaves the batting order and will count as an out when the batting order reaches that player.
  18. Injuries and Early Departures
    1. If an umpires rules a player as injured, and is unable to continue playing in said game, the players spot in the batting order will be skipped with no penalty. Once an injured player leaves the batting order that player is done for the remainder of the game.
  19. Games Called Due to Weather or Field Conditions
    1. The Rock staff will make all decisions on games being cancelled due to inclement weather and communicated to coaches/parents thru the Tourney Machine software app.
    2. Games will be considered complete if weather or field conditions prevent the game from being completed under the following:
      1. 6-inning game = 3 innings or 2 ½ if home team is leading
      2. 7-inning game = 4 innings or 3 ½ if home team is leading
    3. If a game is not completed as described above, the tournament director will:
      1. Suspend the game and arrange to have it resumed where it left off, or
      2. Cancel the game such that it does not count toward tournament standings
    4. Should a championship game be interrupted by weather, darkness or unplayable field conditions, and is not an official game per the above rule, then the Championship team will be determined by the score at the end of the last full completed inning. If the score was tied at the end of the last completed inning or if the first inning of the game is not completed, the higher seed shall be named champion.
  20. Game Schedules
    1. Rock League Baseball will release the official tournament schedules no later than the Monday prior to the event or sooner if possible. We ask that all teams prepare to play at any time slot for scheduled days of the tournament.
  21. Protecting the Game of Baseball
    1. Rock League Baseball would like to make it known that the purpose of the tournaments here at The Rock are to give teams and players alike the opportunity to compete at a high level facility with a great display of sportsmanship. All adults (coaches, parents, & officials) and players are expected to conduct themselves with the utmost sportsmanship so as not to compromise the integrity of the game. Any misconducts of this concept will be grounds for disqualification as determined by the tournament director.
  22. Refund Policy
    1. Once an entry fee is paid for an event, no cash, check or credit card refunds will be issued for any reason once the tournament games have started, unless the Rock League Baseball cancels the event in advance of the tournament weekend due to insufficient participation. A credit for future tournaments will be given in the event of tournament cancellation.
  23. All teams must provide to The Rock proof of team insurance with coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 in liability coverage.
  24. The Rock League baseball reserves the right to make any changes as necessary. All changes will be communicated via email to the email listed on the registration form.

Age Specific Variations:

  8U 9U/10U 11U/12U 13U-18U
Base Paths 60’ 60’/60’ 70’ 90’
Mound 40’ 46’/46’ 50’ 60’6”
Advance on Drop 3rd Strike No No/No Yes Yes
Leading Off No No/No Yes Yes
Stealing After crossing plate After crossing plate/After leaves pitcher’s hand Yes Yes
Infield Fly No No/No Yes Yes
Continuous Batting Order Optional Optional/Optional Optional Optional
4th Outfielder No No/No No No
Balks No No/No Yes-1 warning/pitcher Yes-1 warning/team
Extra Hitter Optional Optional/Optional Optional Optional
Metal Spikes No No/No No Allowed

The Rock League Baseball thanks you for your participation in our tournaments. If there is anything our staff can do to make your visit better, please ask us.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Tom Johns, General Manager
Craig Anderson, Manager-Recruitment & Events